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photoshop mockup class points and links..

1. raw structure Fabrication..
a.Upscale web pics and use as a basis for perspective, or; b.take a photo using foam-board or anything that resembles the structure c.use googles free download of sketchup d. Use pshop tools for perspective...

Stretch in perspective..


3d from photo..

(Also mesh warp)

2. Extraction and working in layers

3. Colour balance and lighting 

Peeling Sticker Effect | Photoshop Lab.pdf (974.859 Kb)
above link is how to make a peeling sticker effect

photoshop facelift/fashion (some good some dodgy)

cooling hot photos

great dove video about photoshop manipulation

various good links here to photoshop and other apps.. has indesisn basics for magazine layout too.

how to use photoshop cs2's vanishing point tool (3d mapping)

more pshop tutorials

texture king - free to download texture libraries - concrete, brick etc   link here

faking tilt lense effects in photoshop here here

ultimate photoshop tips

photoshop facelift links

adobe layers magazine tutorials:

pshop basic extraction 

 pshop tech brushes

pshop actions

PSD Templates for faking books and magazines

David's photoshop fake book template - use the masks saved with the document to cut out the pages..


Notes from today’s stage 3 (2 nov 12) session updated ragarding compositing related issues for mocking up objects like books or creating photocomps for visualisation.

Notes from today’s session updated ragarding compositing related issues for mocking up objects like books or creating photocomps for visualisation.

1. what’s the image being created for?
a. Does it need to have text over the image to allow for?
b. Does it need extra space around the outside (if its an object photographed in a studio) so you have the latitude to play with it in indesign?... Will you have to increase the canvas size in Photoshop and clone in some extra backroll or create a graduated tone outside the objects by using a soft masked selection area over the object and to do this or will you just pull back slightly in –camera to include some extra backdrop?
(these issues arise when using a d&ad gdc template for example – at this point went through lots of examples and tips for things to avoid and attempt when comping images for gdc projects.)
These included compositing glass reflections over the top of shop windows and matching saturation levels between two files being joined in pshop for the first time.

2. Shoot in RAW where possible and import using Adobe bridge or Apple’s Aperture or Adobe‘s Lightroom
a. These last two will also talk to most modern cameras – not to take over control like Canon’s eos utilities but to act as a tether so when images are shot they travel straight to your image editor.
b. here’s a list of Apertures supported Cameras...
…tethered aperture shooting
c. Rankin and many pro photographers use this software..
it acts in a similar way to aperture but also allows immediate transfer to ipads for preview and control of the light themselves remotely.
d. Save in tiff or psd format (not jpg)
e. If possible shoot all still and moving footage with the same lighting during the same setup, hd stills may not be print ready at anything much over A4 size. Until we get a 4k RED camera to do it all - shoot both at the same time or soon after.

3.  Colour balance your images..
a. either balance on entry via the raw bridge importer in >cs5.5, or for destructive changes use in photoshop go to image/adjustments and use levels or curves to adjust the tone.
b. For non-destructive layer based colour changes click below the layer menu on the create adjustment round black and white circle – these can be double clicked and changed later or use the adjustments panel.

c. Watch out for hot colours on the very saturated matte printing process we use here in the college. Bright colours will pop even more in print and will unbalance your image or tonal variance may be limited if you don’t reduce high colour saturations. RGB screen based outputs are not affected.
To change sauration leveles in an image go to image/adjustments/hue & saturation.

d. If you are outputting to cmyk then balance in rgb, convert to cmyk and rebalance slightly again rather than converting and hoping for the best.

e. for comparable colour online for use in blogs like cargo then go through the photoshop exporter (save for web and devices) make sure you choose srgb and tick the include colour profile option – use jpeg or you can also use png.

f. when using colour balancing options in image/adjustments, use the edit/fade option afterwards to make fine post adjustments between the last step you made, using the slider to undo.

4. Steal a grade from a pro..
Find an image from a magazine where you like the way they have coloured the image – take a quick phone picture of it or find online and open in pshop. Have your own full quality image open also and go to image/adjust/match colour.. here you can use your fashion pic as the source and it will use the colour values and spread them over you image. Now adjust until happy.

5. Using photos as a starting point for imagemaking;
you can use blank books, low res web images with strong lines of perspective which you can use as an underpinning and delete later, sketchup files can be made (sketchup has a web library of thousands of common objects which photoshop doesn’t have) or use a 3d programme like cinema 4d to produce a starting point. You can use illustrator and photoshop for 3d but the results will be basic in terms of modelling…

6. Using HDR
a. High Dynamic Range can be a good way to make composite photographs from 3 or more photos taken with different camera settings some darker and some lighter, some correct. For example where a room has bright and dull areas all in the same shot or bright light sources change make it hard to balance the shots. There are three different ways to shoot these images either by varying shutter speeds, or exposing 2 stops above and below normal or by using the bracketing functions on some cameras which will do this for you. Open 3 or more raw images in Bridge and use pshop/tools/merge to hdr, now click on remove ghosts and adjust the image in 5.5 to bring out shadows etc. (also in cs4 under automate)

tutorial for this:
b. you can also do this by hand in photoshop by bringing the images in on different layers and using the eraser tool with a % opacity on each layer to make areas reveal themselves as desired’

8. Photo-retouching tips..
a. smooth skin healing and median:
image is: (2 pages)

b. in 5.5 a new tool (from AE) edit: puppet warp – drop pins then move them to warp images

c. zoom in (cmd+) and then use the space bar and mouse to look for blemishes or dust and scratches and marks to correct. Using the clone stamp tool (alt click to select a source area) and paste over from nearby areas but use 50-70% opacity on the brush so that layers can be built up. This option helps where content aware tools can look a little mechanical.
d. patching and filling is now content aware.
In 5.5 the spot healing brush now has content aware and so does the edit/fill tool after a selection is made. In the spot heal options use proximity match and content aware as options to fill spaces with cloned material..
Spot heal:
try on this file and remove the post (drag onto desktop then into pshop):
9. Extraction then and now,
a. traditional method with ultimate control using quick mask and alpha channels.
(all other selection tools can be used with this method)
basic guide:
b. pro tip for using channels to create alpha mattes for hair extraction:
d. the new quick selection tool – first in cs3/4 and now in 5.5 has the option to refine the selection but theres no absolute replacement for quick mask.

UPDATE!!! Repousee has been lost in cs6 and has been brought into the 3d section of pshop - although the results may still be the same the name has changed..

11. image processing made easy: the aperture way.

a. aperture airbrush& retouch
b. movies of photographers using aperture..

12. A retouching agencies folios..

13. The opposite to photoshop: Gregory Crewsden – a photographer that uses full size sets and film lighting

repousse tests..


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