graphics process blog // chelsea college of art & design

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Updated 2012 notes

pic of the what the web looks like:

Who creates html?  world wide web consortium

People like this try and help regulate it.. webstandards project

As we know Tim Berners-Lee first used the web html he created on 25 dec 1990 but before that were many networks and systems like prestel, bbs, arpanet etc all here
history - way back machine can show you older versions of most sites..

html meaning hypertext markup language
and its scripting language javascript 
css meaning cascading style sheets for styles and layout

adobe flash in trouble why?, bloated, slows down desktop machines, not mobile friendly, disabled access, apple refused to put in ios, now dead on mobiles so may die off?, integrated video and interactivity well. Examples of why its good..

wrangler bluebell
now going to be desktop experiences

Flash viewers
but now not standards compliant! for flash swf's, actionscript etc

html is up to version 5 also show root site

browser wars and ie. catchup, designing for them,

render your website to test on any os - very useful!!..

open vs managed...
porn for kids, piracy,
protects who? shutdowns, wikipedia off last week

PROTECT IP Act (Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act, orPIPA)

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)

servers, ftp, internet service providers, ftp, hosted and unhosted, 

view source

firefox firebug install 
chrome - view developer tools

content management systems
1. cargo collective
2. tumblr
3. blogger (show login
4. (show brighter chelsea
6. indexibit how to install  - show site

godaddy etc and domains

file types and file structures
index, and getting bigger

cute ftp, fetch,

photoshop - export to web, export sliced (menus and rollovers), slicing movie for reference..

showing photoshop web colours in hex show

new features..

managing a site and ftp
using html and css templates is good
code and design view
properties, mention fonts issue.
basic colour, text and linking
css for objects, elements and layout best.
inserting media - movies to link or stream, vimeo, youtube, flash


widgets/free code
bravenet for widgets:
css and other code snippets site:

using fonts
standard web fonts here..
so systems have evolved..

2011 links so far..

instructional vids on using css in dreamweaver

from tables to laying out in css..

learning to work with css (adobe developer site) full list of guides

shown in class -notes from 2011

slicing up a website in photoshop for exporting to dreamweaver

2010 links..

css training links fro Adobe..

Adobe Layers Magazine..

css tricks site (code snippets and demos)


render your website on different versions of pc browsers using this special service 

list of free photo albums 

Warning about using layout tables in cs4! (2009)
No more layout cells, all layout is now css..
Here is a short vid on how to layout in cs3 using css (if you use cs4 look at the video in the next section first).

And here is a short vid on the benefits of layout in cs4 using a new feature that has given plenty of typical web page layouts as templates which can be easily adapted - a must for new cs4 dreamweaver users.

Layout in Photoshop and import to Dreamweaver?

Professor David J. Malan (Harvard Computer Science)
Web design coding Course Index

  1. HTTP
  2. PHP
  3. PHP (continued)
  4. XML
  5. XML (continued)
  6. SQL
  7. SQL (continued)
  8. JavaScript
  9. JavaScript (continued)
  10. Ajax
  11. Ajax (continued)
  12. Security
  13. Scalability


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